Monday Meditation
Meditation: The what, why and how
Atomica Place 1905 10th Street, Sarasota, FL, United StatesThe first of a 10 week series of Monday Meditations. Join us for tea and erase stereotypes and misconceptions about what meditation is, why you should meditate regularly and how to get started.
The antidote to stress
Atomica Place 1905 10th Street, Sarasota, FL, United StatesWe all have different reasons for wanting to learn to meditate and one of the most sought after reason is to get rid of stress. Join us to learn more about how meditation can impact you physically and psychologically and help you counterbalance stress responses.
The layers of life
Atomica Place 1905 10th Street, Sarasota, FL, United StatesWe are multifaceted beings. Becoming intimate with the various dimensions of our nature enables us to live with vitality, creativity, and happiness. Learn the different layers of life according to the vedic tradition and how meditation can enable you to remember your essential nature.
The software of the Soul
Atomica Place 1905 10th Street, Sarasota, FL, United StatesYour soul expresses itself through what we call the software of the soul based on our desires, actions and memories. Learn how meditation can help you break this cycle and take you to the field of infinite possibilities.
Perfecting your meditation practice
Atomica Place 1905 10th Street, Sarasota, FL, United StatesLearn practical tips on how to sit, times of day to meditate, how to deal with disturbances, and expectations during meditations.
Mantras and chants
Atomica Place 1905 10th Street, Sarasota, FL, United StatesLearn about what mantras and chants are and how you can use them to move your awareness the activity level of the mind to the silent space of infinite possibilities.
Feeling the breath
Atomica Place 1905 10th Street, Sarasota, FL, United States“For breath is life, and if you breathe well you will live long on earth”. This Sanskrit proverb describes what modern science has now realized. Learn how conscious breathing can be a way to restore balance in the mind and body.
Our mind’s eye
Atomica Place 1905 10th Street, Sarasota, FL, United StatesVisual meditations can be very helpful to awaken your intuition, intention and imagination. Learn different techniques that you can practice at home.
Food for non-thought
Atomica Place 1905 10th Street, Sarasota, FL, United StatesSometimes thoughts think they are facts and have the most influence in our behaviors and well being. Learn how meditation can help you quiet your mind and find the space between thoughts.
Grounding meditations
Atomica Place 1905 10th Street, Sarasota, FL, United StatesBeing grounded allow you to stay present. Meditations for grounding enable us to respond creatively and intuitively to situations in our lives.