Latest Past Events

The software of the Soul

Atomica Place 1905 10th Street, Sarasota

Your soul expresses itself through what we call the software of the soul based on our desires, actions and memories. Learn how meditation can help you break this cycle and take you to the field of infinite possibilities.


Prakriti & Vikriti

Atomica Place 1905 10th Street, Sarasota

According to Ayurveda we were born with a unique combination of elemental energies that form our individual body-mind types (Prakriti). These forces are constantly fluctuating to maintain the balance of our Prakriti producing our current body-mind state (Vikriti). Learn how ayurveda can help you understand your unique body-mind constitution and keep it in balance.


Becoming Picasso

Atomica Place 1905 10th Street, Sarasota

“I don’t seek: I find!” said Picasso. We are doing the same when we become our lives protagonists. Learn how theater can help you explore the thoughts that think they are facts and that have the most influence in our behaviors.
